Reviews Neoveris

  • Armindo
    The veins in my legs began to swell, I could not see a doctor for a long time and the situation got worse. My legs began to ache, there were cramps at night, in general, it was very uncomfortable. My wife ordered neoveris and said to smear her legs every day. The effect is there, the discomfort has passed, although I have only been using the gel for 5 days.
  • Matilde
    I complained to my friend about the heaviness in my legs, she gave me a Neoveris. I started using the gel every day, after a week I forgot what swelling is after a working day. I am very satisfied with this tool and now I recommend it to all my friends.
  • Sara
    Neoveris got rid of my vascular network in just one month! Very fresh gel, gives comfort immediately after application, smells good and at the same time takes care of the skin. After the course, I noticed that the skin on my legs brightened up, spots and redness disappeared, now my legs look perfect.
  • Beatriz
    I ordered Neoveris, believing in advertising. I bribed a good composition and the fact that it is a gel, not a cream, which means it is absorbed quickly. At first, I used it only in the evening - the burning sensation disappeared immediately, but the veins were noticeable. Then I re-read the instructions and realized that I had to smear twice a day. Now I'm halfway there, my legs are already better.
  • Mariana
    During pregnancy, the veins in my legs became very noticeable. Immediately after giving birth, I ordered Neoveris for prevention, in order to prevent severe varicose veins. I am very satisfied with my choice, the gel works well, the effect is visible from the first days of use.
Rating Neoveris